Förderverein Kap Arkona e.V. 
Kap Arkona e.V. 
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Auf dem Gelände des Flächendenkmals Kap Arkona befindet sich ein bis 1989 militärisch genutzter Bunker. Das beeindruckende Bauwerk steht Besuchern zur Besichtigung zur Verfügung.
Der Bunker bleibt vorübergehend bis zum 22. 12. 2022 geschlossen.
Das Betreten des Bunkers ist nur mit einer Führung möglich.
Die Führungen durch den Marineführungsbunker finden in Gruppen zu maximal 25 Personen statt.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur Besuchern Zutritt gewähren können, die sich an aktuell geltende Corona-Regeln halten.
Kartenverkauf und Treffpunkt für die Führungen ist das kleine Gebäude neben der Matrosenbaracke
Größere Gruppen bitten wir um Voranmeldung unter 038391 431413.
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Dear visitors to Cape Arkona,
Find the guided tours through the naval command bunker
For larger groups, we kindly ask you to register in advance on 038391 431413.
Arkona bunker and marine guide bunker
Dozens of ventilation pipes stick out of the ground in the immediate vicinity of the lighthouses. The story of the bunkers on Cape Arkona is long. It begins in 1915 with the construction of the first bunker, but not open to the public for security reasons. The other two bunkers can be visited, there are guided tours of the NVA bunker several times a day.
Arkona bunker
The smaller bunker comes from the Wehrmacht and was converted to GDR times as the service of the 6th border brigade coast. It is called the "Arkona bunker". Today it houses a documentary about the history of Cape Arkona, from the Slavic period to the present day. Admission is free.
Marine guide bunker
The larger bunker was built from 1979 to 1986. Starting from a main aisle with two entrances there are several independent single bunkers with a total area of 2000 square meters. He served as the command post of the 6th Flotilla of the People's Navy and the United Baltic Fleet (VOF). The assembled prefabricated construction bunkers (FB) are composed of parts of three large bunkers (type FB-75) and ten small bunkers (type FB-3). The bunkers would never have resisted a bombing raid. They served as a so-called "protected command post" and should protect in the event of war from toxic gases and radioactive radiation. The Type-FB-75 has a mezzanine floor, where the sleeping areas were housed, and an emergency exit. Each bunker has one or two air locks to the main course. The second large tube now houses a model ship exhibition and old navigation devices. From 1986 onwards, 50 to 70 soldiers from the Volksmarine served here for three to four times a year as part of fleet maneuvers for two to three days. The standard workforce was six men. On the day of German reunification, October 3, 1990, the plant was shut down.
In 1985, for the 30th anniversary of the National People's Army (NVA) an aerial photograph of Cape Arkona with the bunker construction site in the background in the illustrated book "Soldiers of the People" published and the bunker thus unmasked (means that the location of the bunker was made public, what would have resulted in the event of war destruction). How the picture could get into the illustrated book is unclear. He was withdrawn from circulation three days after his arrival. A later reprint of the illustrated book no longer contained the aerial photo. Today, the original illustrated book is a coveted collector's item.
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